3 Foolproof Tips for Bedtime

Bedtime for toddlers can be a joy or a struggle – and sometimes both in one night.

If you’ve been looking for some new ways to solve your bedtime woes here are my top three foolproof tips for making bedtime a little bit easier!

1. Make It a Routine

Little kids thrive on having predictability in their day-to-day.

It may not seem like it since they’re such little balls of chaos but they need that structure. Having a standing bedtime routine also cues their bodies that it’s time to start getting sleepy.

What’s in your routine is much less important than having one. Some things to consider are:

  • Reading
  • Singing
  • Quiet playtime
  • Brushing teeth
  • Bath time
  • Talking about what you did that day
  • Making a list of things to play tomorrow

Some families have great luck doing a rumpus hour before bed to get all that energy out!

Try a couple of different things and see what is a good fit for your family.

2. Keep It Calm

It’s hard to sleep if it’s too bright or too loud (or you’re too excited) so set your bedtime up for success by making your kiddos’ sleep space as calm and cozy as possible.

Dim the lights, turn on a sound machine, and invest in some light-blocking curtains for the summer months. If that’s not possible then do what you can! A little bit calmer is still a step in the right direction.

Lullabies and audiobooks can be a great way to lull a restless toddler into a full night’s slumber. We’re big fans of The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh read by Christopher Plummer on Spotify.

3. Minimize the Blue Light

The science is in! Blue light (like the kind coming from your tv, tablet, or phone) reduces your body’s production of melatonin making it harder to fall asleep at night.

Making a no-screens rule for the hour leading up to bedtime can do a lot to help get those drowsy feelings kicked into gear.

If screen time before bed is a necessity for your house check your device for a night-time setting that reduces the blue tone in the light. Or consider investing in some blue-light-blocking glasses, though convincing kids to keep them on means they can often be more trouble than they’re worth.

What do you think?

What’s your secret to bedtime? Do you disagree with anything on this list?

Comment below and let me know!

For more tips and tricks for bedtime success check out my companion post 3 Foolproof Tips for Bathtime.